What is a CKC affiliate club?

A Continental Kennel Club (CKC) affiliate club is an organization of dog enthusiasts that contracts with CKC in order to host CKC-sanctioned events.

Affiliate clubs provide members with experience, training, and competitive opportunities to showcase dog within the local community. They also encourage responsible dog ownership by rewarding dedicated-training efforts and responsible-breeding practices.

By becoming a CKC-affiliate club, you will partner with CKC in order to connect with other like-minded members in the nearby area. As an all-breed, open canine registry, CKC welcomes owners and their canine friends registered with CKC or other CKC-recognized clubs and organizations. Members and registrants of all CKC-recognized organizations may register and compete in CKC-sanctioned events for the opportunity to earn points, placements, and titles.

Ready to establish a club?

The main benefit of establishing an affiliate club is having the opportunity to participate in CKC-sanctioned events and shows right in your home town. Your dog can earn points and titles, increasing the value of his pedigree, or simply participate for the thrill and excitement of the show ring.

But establishing your own affiliate club goes beyond simply participating in shows and events. You have the opportunity to better your community as a whole through the promotion of responsible dog ownership, dedicated and consistent training, and responsible breeding practices.

"I can confidently say that forming the Douglas Farms Show Club and hosting CKC-sanctioned conformation dog shows has been one of the most positive decisions that I have made in my 25 years of breeding small-breed dogs."

Billy Douglas, Douglas Farms Show Club